If the bike is located in a garage (without GPS reception) and is immediately driven away from there, the GPS needs longer until it gets a position and the start / first position is then correspondingly later. This is because the GPS fix can take up to one minute, especially if the tracker is moving.
What is the meaning of the tracker status/values and columns of the route report?
When selecting a tracker, the “State” panel on the left shows you the relevant variables and their values as seen on the last reported position of the device. Those are also the meaningful columns to display in the “Route” reports.
Generally the GPS server supports many different tracker manufacturers with varying use cases, but for us the interesting columns are:
Device Name
Speed - in knots/hour
Alarm - with possible values:
vibration - when tracker is moved / shaken
movement - when
powerCut (bike switched off),, speed,…
lowBattery - when backup battery state is getting low
Hours - duration the tracker was moving / operated
Input - will include the data as received from CAN bus
Battery Level - SOC of the backup battery
Ignition and Charge - if tracker has external power supply (e.g. bike switched on / off)
Distance - since start of the current trip
Total Distance - since tracker was created / added to platform
Motion - tracker moving yes / no
Armed - if the trackers vibration alarm is switched on (this should mostly be true)
How to switch the speed unit from nautical speed (kn) to km/h or mph?
You can switch the default setting using the following steps:
How are Alarms / Push Notifications
There are two ways how the push notification (which triggers the sound) is handled by the app depending on it’s state: