Generally the GPS server supports many different tracker manufacturers with varying use cases, but for us the interesting columns are:
Device Name
Time - fix time / GPS time. Multiple positions can have the same fixTime if the device sends invalid messages but attributes like alarm change.
Speed - in knots/hour
Alarm - with possible values:
vibration - when tracker is moved / shaken
movement - when
powerCut (bike switched off),, speed,…
lowBattery - when backup battery state is getting low
Hours - duration the tracker was moving / operated
Input - will include the data as received from CAN bus
Battery Level - SOC of the backup battery
Ignition and Charge - if tracker has external power supply (e.g. bike switched on / off)
Distance - to previous position
Total Distance - since tracker was created / added to platform
Motion - tracker moving yes / no
Armed - if the trackers vibration alarm is switched on (this should mostly be true)