minimal trip duration - Trips of less than 130 seconds are ignored.
minimal trip distance - Trips of less than 215 meters are ignored.
minimal parking duration - Parking for less than five minutes does not detected as stop.
minimal no data duration - Gaps in reported positions longer than one hour are considered as stops.
ignition - Force switch to stop state if eBike is switched off.
speed threshold - If the speed is above 0.01 knots, the bike is considered to be in motion.
The report.trip.minimalNoDataDuration parameter is set to 600 3600 (10 minutesone hour). You can see that the speed is never less than the speedThreshold, but the gap (rows 15 - 28) is more than 10 minutes. It is interpreted as a stop. Preceding trip is detected correctly. Following movement period is not detected as a trip because the algorithm cannot determine when it ends. Only full stops or trips are recorded.
Generally the GPS server supports many different tracker manufacturers with varying use cases, but for us the interesting columns are:
Device Name
Time - fix time / GPS time. Multiple positions can have the same fixTime if the device sends invalid messages but attributes like alarm change.
Speed - in knots/hour
Alarm - with possible values:
vibration - when tracker is moved / shaken
movement - when
powerCut (bike switched off),, speed,…
lowBattery - when backup battery state is getting low
Hours - duration the tracker was moving / operated
Input - will include the data as received from CAN bus
Battery Level - SOC of the backup battery
Ignition and Charge - if tracker has external power supply (e.g. bike switched on / off)
Distance - to previous position
Total Distance - since tracker was created / added to platform
Motion - tracker moving yes / no
Armed - if the trackers vibration alarm is switched on (this should mostly be true)