Please copy the following list to your email, add all the information, and include the required graphics and files in the attachments.

Below the list you can find the descriptions of all the values and graphics that are required.


App Name

Name displayed in app stores etc.

Short Description

Short sentence used in link previews, e.g. “Track your e-bike!”


Links to home page and/or shop


List of required languages for i18n


Describe the words to use for

Theme Colours

Please provide all colours in HTML hex colour codes

Primary Colour

Used as background and main brand colour

Primary Contrast Colour (text, icons, etc.)

Colour used for text and icons, ensure good readability with “Primary Colour” as background

Secondary/Highlight Colour

Colour of visual highlights and Call-to-Action buttons

Secondary Contrast Colour (text, icons, etc.)

Text colour for elements in “Secondary Colour”

See guide below for details


Basic App Icon

Adaptive Icons Components

See guide below for details

Brand Horizonal

See guide below for details

FavIcon (optional)

Splash Screen Icon (optional)

See guide below for details

Guide for Use of Colours and Icons

Example of Adaptive Icon