Currently there are 8 categories of events generated by the platform:


This type of event generated when a new position contains the alarm attribute.

Command Result

Answers on commands (like arm / disarm) are stored in the result attribute. The platform generates this type of event if the position contains the result attribute.


Generated when device enters or exits a geofence.


BikeTrax devices can report the ignition status, which is the external power supply. When the bike is switched on, power for BikeTrax is switched on too and the “Ignition ON” event is generated (previous position contained attribute ignition false, current position contains attribute ignition true).
Ignition OFF Event is triggered if previous position contained attribute ignition true and current position contain attribute ignition false.


Our platform can help control maintenance intervals of devices. There are two attributes to configure: maintenance.start and maintenance.interval. They can be set in device or group attributes.

The maintenance event is generated every time totalDistance attribute gets over maintenance.start + maintenance.interval * N value where N is a natural number.


maintenance.start=6000000, maintenance.interval=8000000
Events will be generated when totalDistance goes over 6000 km, 14000 km, 22000 km and so on.


This event is generated if device started or stopped moving. The server analyzes the speed from the incoming position and if the speed is more than event.motion.speedThreshold configuration parameter (default is 0.01 knots) then considered that BikeTrax is moving, and if speed is less than that BikeTrax has stopped.


The server generates this event if device exceeds the configured speed limit. Speed limit value can be set via the device or group attribute speedLimit.


The server generates this event type when device status changes (online/offline/unknown). Online means that BikeTrax is connected to the server and sending reports. Offline means that BikeTrax is not connected to the server, or did not send anything in the past 3 minutes.