Geofences are geographical zones used to track device movement. The platform generates an event when BikeTrax enters or exits these zones.

1. Creation

Legacy Webapp

Modern Webapp (Option #1)

  • Select Settings

  • Select Geofences

  • Select Settings

  • Select Geofences

modern geofence 1.png

  • Select (plus)

  • Name the new geofence

  • Click Area

  • Select line to draw a polyline or square icon to create a polygon

  • Create your geofence by clicking on the map

  • Double-click when finished

modern geofence 3.png

  • Select area geometry, e.g. Circle

  • Name the new geofence

  • Optionally, add attributes or extra

  • Click Save

modern geofence 4.png

Modern Webapp (Option #2)

  • Click on the map and create the area

  • Close window → select (tick)

  • From main page select a device and click ...

moderng geofence 5.png

  • Close window → select (tick)

  • Select Create Geofence

create geofence.png

  • Close window → select (error)

  • Name the new geofence

  • Optionally, add attributes or extra

  • Click Save

named geofence from bike.png

You can create multiple geofences and assign it to multiple trackers.

2. Assignment

In order to trigger an event (get an alarm) when a the geofence is entered or exited, you have to assign the BikeTrax to the geofence:

  • Select the tracker

  • Open tracker settings menu

  • Select Geofences

  • Select Settings

  • Select Devices

Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 2.20.49 PM.png

  • Select the geofence you want assign

  • Close window → select (error)

  • Locate the device you want to assign to a geofence

  • Click the chain icon (Connections)

Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 2.21.05 PM.png

  • Click the geofence to assign, or search for it by name

Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 2.21.20 PM.png

You will receive a push message via the app when a tracker enters / exits a geofence


There are up to three supported geometry types, depending on the webapp you use:

Circle (Legacy only)

Polygon (Both webapps)

Polyline (Both webapps)

The distance around a polyline geofence where BikeTrax is considered "inside the geofence" is set to 25 meters.

Get Inside/Outside Status

The geofenceIds array in the device object contains the IDs of the geofences the BikeTrax is surrounded currently. In this example its part of the geofence with ID 143103:

    "id": 231560,
    "attributes": {
        "B2B": true,
        "guarded": false,
        "alarm": false,
        "lastAlarm": 1662564152394,
        "guardType": "movement",
        "fwVersion": "LK_CAR_TQ2020/10/14 11:12"
    "groupId": 0,
    "name": "t49 - staging",
    "uniqueId": "4710250149",
    "status": "offline",
    "lastUpdate": "2023-03-24T16:12:51.000+00:00",
    "positionId": 2167102178,
    "geofenceIds": [143103],
    "phone": "",
    "model": "",
    "contact": "",
    "category": null,
    "disabled": false


The geofences relationships with other objects is very flexible:

If a user has access to a geofence, it means that the user can edit/remove the geofence and can subscribe to the geofence events.


Calendars can be linked to geofences. This will limit events generation to the calendar schedule.

Tips and Tricks

Color of a geofence on the map can be set in the geofence attribute color. Any valid HTML colors are accepted.

If you need to control the BikeTrax movement along a pre-defined route, you can use a polyline geofence. Also, if you need to control when BikeTrax started and ended the route, you can add additional geofences at the source and at the destination.