

Calendars are special objects which can be used to limit geofence and notification to a particular time or schedule.

Creating an ics file

A calendar is a wrapper for a standard ics file. This can be created with most calendar or email applications. The following example shows how this is done in Mozilla Thunderbird.

Create a new calendar and create a new event:

Set recurrence information (for example, every day from 7:00 to 23:00):

Export the created calendar to iCalendar(*.ics) file format.

Adding a calendar

Open "Calendars" in the settings menu:

Add the new calendar and select local ics file to upload:


Edit a geofence object and select the new calendar:

Now for this geofence enter/exit events will only be generated during the calendar event times. In our example daily from 7:00 to 23:00.

Or edit a notification object and select new calendar:


You can add to ics calendar any combination of Events, not necessarily recurring.

Geofence or Notification will work only if there is any Event in the calendar at the moment of checking.

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