

Notifications is the way to notify users about events. Besides the push notifications you will get when using the BikeTrax app, you can configure additional notifications for the various other events as well as additional notification channels.

  • Notification objects are always linked to other objects (devices and groups).

  • Type field corresponds to Event type.

  • All Devices means that notification will be triggered for all your BikeTrax devices, if it is not set the Notification will only be sent for the device/group it is linked to.

  • Any available channels can be selected.

  • Also can be selected Calendar to limit notification working hours.


Web notification is a simple pop-up window in the web interface:

Web notifications are delivered instantly without any delays. It is possible enable sound for the notifications to attract your attention:


To be able to use email notifications you need to add your SMTP configuration to your user attributes.


  • Some SMTP servers require "From" field even if authorization is used. You need to set mail.smtp.from parameter to do that.

  • If you want to use Gmail service, you need to generate an application password or allow "less secure apps" in Gmail account settings.

Example SMTP parameters:

mail.smtp.host: smtp.gmail.com mail.smtp.port: 465 mail.smtp.ssl.enable: true mail.smtp.from: biketrax@gmail.com mail.smtp.auth: true mail.smtp.username: biketrax@gmail.com mail.smtp.password: YOUR_PASSWORD


SMS Notifications

Push notifications

This feature is currently in development. Please contact dev@powunity.com


You can send test messages via all currently available notificators in your account dialog:


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