SMS Notifications

SMS Notifications

This article describes how to setup custom SMS notifications with the use of MessageBird. This is a great way to be notified in addition to our existing push messaging.


Configure MessageBird for sending SMS notifications

  1. Create an account at MessageBird if you don’t have one yet (and make sure you have enough SMS credits)

  2. Go to Flow Builder and Create a new Flow:

    1. Select Templates

    2. Select the Webhook to SMS template

  3. In your new flow select the Send SMS step and set the following parameters:

    1. Originator → Phone number (you can set any number here)

    2. Recipient → Phone number (the phone where you want to be alarmed)

    3. Message (e.g. BikeTrax Alarm)

    4. Save the SMS configuration with the Save button

  4. In the top right corner click the Publish button to publish your changes and copy the webhook URL which we need in the next steps:

  5. Now configure the Webhook in your PowUnity account for alarm events by following the BikeTrax API | Setting up a webhook instructions:

    1. Set webhookUrl to your newly created MessageBird webhook URL (e.g. https://flows.messagebird.com/…)

    2. Set webhookTypes to the desired alarm event like vibrationAlarm or geofenceExit

Alarm events are triggered repeatedly by our platform. If you are dealing with false positive alarms consider using geofences and the respective geofenceExit event instead of vibrationAlarm events.

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