Co-Branded App Instructions

Co-Branded App Instructions

Information and steps required for your custom BikeTrax app powered by PowUnity.

1. Provide App Requirements to PowUnity

See Co-Branded App Requirements

2. Create App Store Accounts

Signup as Developer

Create developer accounts in the app stores and enrol in the developer programs:

Share Access

Then provide PowUnity’s developer accounts access to it:

Apple / iTunes Connect

Go to https://itunesconnect.apple.com

Share Account Access

For iOS please see Authorise an Additional User to your iOS Developer Account
Our iOS account is dev@powunity.com

“Admin” role preferred. At least “App Manager”.

Create an App Bundle Id

This is optional and only required if you did not share “Access to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles” in the previous “Share Account Access Step”:


Go to https://developer.apple.com/account/resources/identifiers/add/bundleId

  1. Register a new App ID:

2. Set a description and a unique Bundle ID (e.g. com.powunity.yourappname)

3. Select capabilities:

  • Capabilities

    • App Groups (might be automatically added by Apple)

    • Associated Domains

    • Network Extensions

    • Push Notifications

  • Additional Capabilities

    • Critical Alerts (if not possible yet, leave this out, and see below Register for Critical Alerts)

4. Click “Continue” then “Register”

5. Register for Critical Alerts

  • go to https://developer.apple.com/contact/request/notifications-critical-alerts-entitlement

  • enter following details:

    • App Type

      • Personal Safety and Security

    • Describe your app

      • With the app the user can arm and disarm our GPS tracker for bicycles / motorcycles / cars. When it is being moved while armed the user gets an alarm notification. The user is able to track the device and inform the police about its location to get it back.

    • What type of notifications will you send as Critical Alerts?

      • When the device / bicycle gets moved / stolen we alert the user about it.

    • How frequently will you send Critical Alerts?

      • Rarely

    • Explain why you need this entitlement and how it will be used in your app.

      • Customers regularly request to get notified aloud even when they have their phone in do-not-disturb, e.g. at night. This is critical for them to call the police in time before the thief has taken the bicycle abroad or dismounted our tracking device.

Google / Play Store

Our Android account is powunity.dev@gmail.com


API Access Key

For using automatic uploads to Play Store we need an API key.

Follow the instructions in this video:


Note: For the Role of the Service Account choose “Release Manager” as well as grant this user all permissions of “Release Management” for your app in the end.

Please send the resulting json file to us via email.

Enable App Signing

  • Go to the submenu in the app as shown in the screenshot and select "App signing"

  • "Use existing app signing key from java keystore"

  • then click on "Upload private key"

  • upload the private key “encrypted_private_key_path“ you will get from us via email.

  • Then click on "Save" and agree to the “Play app signing Terms of Service”.


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