Co-Branded Bike Passport

Co-Branded Bike Passport

The default content of the PowUnity bike passport

Possible customisations for Co-Branded apps

Default values

It is possible to set default values for all entries, e.g. “Manufacturer” is always set to “Giant” upon passport creation.

It is still possible to change the value by the user unless the entry is disabled (see below).

Disable fields

It is possible to disable any entry so the user cannot change the value.

Useful in combination with default values.

Hide fields

It is possible to hide any entry from the user.

Default values may still be defined and will be stored in the passport without showing the user.

Headers, entry labels, and text content of selects

These fields either use PowUnity standard wording which also provides translations to multiple languages or are hard-coded to provided strings without any translations, i.e. always the same text regardless of localisation.


Text and number entries are able to show a defined hint text for empty values.

Entry types

All entries can have custom input types, apart from existing

  • date selects

  • toggles


The following list elaborates the possible types for the remaining entries:

Text and number

Input for short one-line text or numbers

Multi-line text area

Input for multi-line free text


Selects may provide the user with a pre-defined list of possible options.

It is also possible to allow the user to still enter own custom data besides the defined list of options.


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